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Luca Polare

   While you're strolling through Tbilisi you may get in the mood for some ice cream, especially if you're there during the summer when Tbilisi gets extra heated. If you do find yourself craving some ice cream,















how in demand it is (it literally has bits of coffee in it!!!). If you're not a fan of coffee as much as the majority of Georgia is (seriously, coffee is always flowing), there are lots of other flavors ranging from sweet to refreshing. 


   Luca Polare also lots of different drinks from juices, coffees,

and teas. One thing to keep in mind is that when you order a

small of something at Luca Polare, it will seriously be small, but

don't sweat, there are sizing visuals and you can always ask a

server if you're unsure about anything. Luca Polare is kind of

like if Starbucks also happened to serve ice cream and their ice

creams were just as famous as their coffees. All in all, is Luca

Polare a typical cafe with waiters and great seating? No. But it

still has it's own "mugami" which I can best translate as "vibe

purpose" (if that helps at all), which in this case is a quick ice

cream/coffee fix while just chilling with friends in the city.

It was middle of the day, not even peak hours yet and most of the ice cream was eaten

make sure you're around a Luca Polare, arguably the best ice cream place in Georgia. Luca Polare is a Georgian ice cream and coffee cafe that has been spreading throughout Tbilisi as it grows in popularity. Each location is generally pretty small and is almost always lacking seating, so the fun of Luca Polare is either strolling through the city while enjoying the ice cream, or simple hanging outside Luca Polare on a curb or a random bench. All the flavors are great, but some of the ice cream are seasonal depending on if the fruit it's made from is in season. One thing that's always consistent is the coffee ice cream flavor, which I argue is one of the best flavors. I'm not alone in that thought because you can usually tell which flavors are popular based on how much has been scooped out, and coffee is almost always running out or taking up two ice cream spots because of

A helpful visual if you need help choosing a coffee

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