Tbilisi Travel Guide
Ezo Cafe

Basic Phrases
Georgian can be a pretty tough language. Pronunciation can be pretty difficult because it has difficult sounding letters, and often times consonants are sandwiched together. On top of that, it's completely different from English gramatically. That being said, I've compiled some basic words and phrases to help you get around town with pronunciations the easiest I could make it for an English speaker. Memorize these if you wish, but if you find it too difficult, don't fret because basic English is becoming more and more standard for most Georgians, so feel free to ask for help in English.
A basic key before we start:
- ah is the same sound as how you would pronounce awe
- eh is the same sound as how you would say the e in pen
- kh is the same sound as how you would say the c in cat. It's substituting a guttural letter, so you can try and replace that with the sound of when you try to "itch" an itch in your throat by making a scratchy noise with your throat (if that makes any sense at all).